I so look Forward to your Chapel, and it is always uplifting. It helps kep my spirits up the rest of the week. Thank you, Gary, for all you put into this community of spitits.

Barbara Nanly

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Thank you, Barbara. Your presence blesses all of us. So grateful for you.

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Dear Gary, I am so sorry. I went back to search my email again and I saw "ZOOM" and it hit me that is the email I should be looking for to find the link to Contemplative Chapel. I came late today and have put a note on my computer.

Also, the last verses of the psalm remind me so much of Margaret Wise Brown's children's book, The Runaway Bunny. Surely, she was referencing the psalm. :) Thank you for today , Cad W.

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Yes! I agree, Cad. I love The Runaway Bunny, and I wonder if the Psalm might have been something of an inspiration for Margaret Wise Brown. Hope all is well with you. So sorry for the confusion -- I should not have sent a post out so close to the Zoom reminder. That was confusing.

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I read the emails but when I go to find the link to Contemplative chapel - like today, right now I can't find the email or the link in the email. Was it in the email with "IF'?

Thanks, Cad Willeford

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Dear Gary,

I would like to receive a Zoom link to participate tomorrow as a new member of your chapel gathering. Thank you so much.

Kaki Grubbs

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Wonderful! Thanks, Kaki.

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Kaki, I am so sorry I am only now seeing this! I hope you'll still be able to attend now and then. Just click on the pinned post at the top of Contemplative Chapel, "Contemplative Gatherings Resume," and you'll see a link to register for the gatherings. That will get the link to you and, each week, I send a reminder to all who have registered, with a copy of the link. And if you ever want to stop receiving those reminders, you can always opt out. Again, so sorry I did not see your message until this morning. Gary

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Absolutely no worries, Gary. Bess Wareing sent me the link. I am all set now to participate each Wednesday. My husband Kent and I were CCC members till we moved to Santa Fe, NM in 2017. Bess, Jody Gillit and Cece Fowler have been telling me about your chapel. I am a long time practitioner of Centering Prayer, a Spiritual Director and have been in spiritual direction for 22 years. I so enjoyed what you offered yesterday. Thank you so much for creating this online contemplative community. Blessings upon you and your family. ❤️Kaki

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