Lectio Divina


Linked below are readings that have been used during the Lectio Divina portion of online Contemplative Chapel gatherings.


Download a brochure from Contemplative Outreach describing Lectio Divina (Holy Reading).

Here are the guidelines used during Contemplative Chapel.

Lectio Divina is an ancient way of cultivating intimacy, trust, and friendship with Christ. It is a way of listening to the texts of scripture, as if we are in conversation with Christ, and Christ is suggesting the topic of conversation. We are not analyzing the scripture; rather, we are “listening with the ear of our heart.” This way of prayer can lead beyond acquaintance with Christ to deeper love and the ability to rest more completely and trustingly in God.

Guidelines for Practicing Lectio Divina

Read: Adopt a posture of openness and receiving. Anticipate that God wishes to speak with you through this passage of Scripture. Read the passage for the first time, listening “with the ear of your heart.” What word, phrase, or sentence “lights up” for you or attracts your attention? Begin to repeat that word, phrase, or sentence gently and silently, allowing it to settle deeply in your heart.

Reflect: After reading the passage a second and final time, continue to savor the word, phrase, or sentence, and be attentive to any thought or reflection that might now begin to emerge. Allow yourself to go with your reflection, perhaps pondering why Christ has led you here.

Respond: After a minute or two of quiet reflection on the Spirit’s promptings, allow yourself to respond spontaneously: a prayer or thanksgiving, praise, petition, or wonder may arise. Respond silently to the One who initiated this conversation.

Rest: Simply rest with God. In a posture of quiet receptiveness, savor the healing that comes from simply being with this One who loves you deeply and unconditionally.

Guidelines For Lectio Divina
316KB ∙ PDF file
Lectiodivinabrochure 2018
712KB ∙ PDF file