Jun 5Liked by Gary Jones

Working in the flowerbeds listening to music and Kelly Clarkson’s “Broken & Beautiful” came on and I thought of this post. How many times do I keep thinking I can’t be beautiful, whole, content because I’m broken!?!? And what a gift when someone reveals their brokenness allowing me to accept myself alittle more or feeling safe enough with someone to say see this crack or scar. Then just allowing it to be and not acting as though it is something that needs to be fixed but rather to just be witnessed.

First part of the chorus:

Can someone just hold me?

Don't fix me, don't try to change a thing

Can someone just know me?

'Cause underneath, I'm broken and it's beautiful

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Thank you, Jody. I don’t know the song, but that part is pretty amazing. How interesting (divine?) that we are all one in God and that this realization often comes from our experience of mutual vulnerability and brokenness. Reminds me of the Rumi poem that begins, “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” Thanks again.

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Jun 4Liked by Gary Jones

As a therapist, I find it interesting how people often use therapy to “confess” their sins. My job is to help them accept the good, the bad & the ugly within themselves- much like Christ does for us. Unconditional love is such a powerful life force- How wonderful to feel God’s love- warts & all. Thank you, Gary, for this reminder.

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Thank you, Lisa! I've been pondering how many of my friends are therapists and priests -- many of my therapist friends (like you, Lisa) seem to be priests by nature, if not by institutional ordination. In word and deed, you and other therapist friends like you naturally seem to embody and show in your profession the embracing, all-loving Divine.

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Jun 3Liked by Gary Jones

Thank you Gary for this. I think it will become a regular part of those things that help me keep my feet planted in the honest truth of who I am in Jesus. It's too easy to "listen" to the voices inside and around me. This helps...

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Thank you, Martha. For some reason, I'm remember when I asked my physician a question about some ailment I was struggling with; he paused and then responded, "Well, my healer always tells me ...." And I thought, "Your 'healer'? But wait, you are a physician." It was a strange and wonderful experience -- he seemed to be saying, "I struggle with something like that, too, and the remedy for me is not anything I learned in medical school, so I go to this wise, Jewish man who is my healer." I think I thought of that, because you are one of my healers, Martha. Thank you again.

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Jun 2Liked by Gary Jones

My True Self is the one in the clay jars with huge cracks that no longer matter to me because God accepts me cracks and all.

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Thanks, Sam. In my experience, the resulting freedom and joy shine clearly in your case!

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Jun 2Liked by Gary Jones

As the Tao recognizes, life is always Ying / Yang. Always both/and, never either/or. It is our personal judgement that makes it black or white; good or bad.

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Thank you, David. I love that, and I know your sharing this insight comes from a deep place. I so appreciate your wisdom and compassion. Gary

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I love The Message. Sometimes it just makes me laugh too. Like Paul just dropped by for a visit today and this is what he told me. A good feeling. So enjoy your Chapel thoughts. Thank you Gary

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